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勤美「0km 山物所」,位於康青龍街區(錦町、昭和町),鄰近臺北師範大學(臺北高等學校)、臺灣大學(臺灣帝國大學),自日治時代起便有著濃厚的歷史與人文氣息。「0km 山物所」的木構建築群前身為1930年代建造之房舍,為日治時期臺灣總督府山林課透過「營林共濟組合」所購置興建之員工宿舍。在二次大戰之後,由臺灣省農林處林務局(現為林業及自然保育署)接管,宿舍也由林務局分配給員工居住。由於此區宿舍型態為少數留存的雙玄關雙併之木造建築,基地內種植原為臺灣珍貴稀有植物——臺灣油杉,林務局與臺北市大安區台灣油杉社區發展協會合作,推動社區規劃再造,於2006年「總督府山林課宿舍群」由臺北市政府公告指定登錄為市定古蹟及歷史建築。2007年林務局委託胡宗雄建築師事務所著手執行實質修復工作,歷經十五年的努力,山林課宿舍群恢復往日風貌,成為臺北市中心難得的日式建築群地標。2023年由勤美集團取得經營權,推出「0km 山物所」品牌,結合林業及自然保育署相關知識產權與民間設計能量,持續推動臺灣永續自然生活的理念。

The "0km Mountain Center" is situated in the Kangchinglong neighborhood (Jinchō and Shōwa districts), near Taipei Normal University (Taipei Higher Normal School) and National Taiwan University (Taihoku Imperial University), exuding a rich historical and cultural ambiance dating back to the Japanese colonial era. The wooden structures of the "0km Mountain Center" trace their roots to the 1930s when they were built as residences purchased and constructed by the Forestry Department of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office through the "Forestry Cooperative Association" for its employees. After World War II, they came under the management of the Forestry Bureau of the Taiwan Provincial Agricultural and Forestry Department (now the Forestry Bureau and Conservation Administration), and the houses were allocated to bureau employees.


The architectural style of the houses in this area is a rare example of double-entrance wooden structures, and the premises originally housed precious and rare Taiwanese plants, such as Taiwanese cedar. Collaborating with the Taipei City Daan District Taiwanese Cedar Community Development Association, the Forestry Bureau promoted community planning and redevelopment. In 2006, the "Governor-General's Forestry Department Dormitory Group" was designated and registered as a designated historical site and historic building by the Taipei City Government. In 2007, the Forestry Bureau commissioned Architect Hu Tsung-hsiung's architectural firm to undertake substantial restoration work. After fifteen years of effort, the Forestry Department Dormitory Group has restored its former charm, becoming a rare Japanese architectural landmark in the heart of Taipei City.


In 2023, the  CMP  GROUP acquired the operating rights and introduced the "0km Mountain Center" brand, combining the intellectual property of the Forestry Bureau and Conservation Administration with private design expertise to continue promoting the concept of sustainable natural living in Taiwan.

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